Furniture Removals


Furniture Removals UKHave you ever tried moving a large piece of furniture such as a wardrobe up a flight of the stairs? If you have you know it’s a very hard job. Heavy lifting in itself isn’t fun but when you have to contend with a narrow space and the elevation from the steps it becomes a Herculean task. Similar problems can come from moving furniture through doors. You can twist and turn it but sometimes it just won’t go though. There are methods such as breaking down the wall to gain extra room or the obvious idea of taking the furniture apart although sometimes this isn’t possible.

When this is an isolated incident it can be stressful enough but what if you’re moving and have to contend with several items of furniture? You may consider putting the move off or just buying new furniture once you arrive at your new address. You shouldn’t entertain such thoughts because can take care of all your furniture related problems with ease. Call us now on Call Now! and we’ll have a chat and get to know you and what problems you have. We can give a rundown of our services and we’re sure you’ll find something that will peak your interest. You’ll find that our prices can’t be beat because we don’t deal with packages because we just give and charge you for what you need. If you just want help with your furniture then it’s no problem but if you want us to take care of you whole move we can do that too.

If you recruit us we will be at your home or office in no time. Our experienced and knowledgeable team can run you though the process and answer any questions before they get to work. We will begin by disassembling any furniture which will make it vastly easier to move. We then will coat it in bubble wrap which ensures that it will not be damaged from being shaken about or things being placed on it. Doing this also prevents scratches, dust and dirt. We will have containers that can hold smaller furnishings and we will use polystyrene to keep them secure.

Furniture Removals LondonWhen it comes to furniture that cannot be dismantled we also have you covered. Our team are strong and skilled in this area and so will know how to get your things up and down stairs, through doors and gaps and overcome any other problems that may occur. Once everything is out of the building we will carefully load everything onto our trucks. We will do this gently so that nothing is dropped and on one is injured. Everything will be placed in out vans or lorries and tied down to prevent them from swaying when the vehicle is in motion.

Don’t just think it’s you furniture that we can take care of as we will also pack and transport all of your belongings, so we will have your entire move covered. Once everything arrives at your new address we will cautiously remove everything from the vehicles and then unpack and unwrap everything. We will then take all the same precautions we did removing your furniture as we place everything into your new residence. We will rebuild anything that was taken apart and have it set up for you wherever you’d like. We’ll get things upstairs or through doors with no problem.

Furniture is important to a house or office so it shouldn’t be handled carelessly, so get in touch with and we’ll take care of it for you.

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